Saturday, June 1, 2013

Remote Race Report: Transylvania Epic COMPLETE!

Stage 6 yesterday:
There was no post yesterday because Drew didn't send me any pictures and we barely talked on the phone at all.  Apparently the queen stage was rocky and technical and difficult, but not all together unmanagable.

Final stage today:
 Tonight, Drew sent me some pics from today - the last day of the race.

5 minutes until the start.  Drwe and Jim are Matchy and Matchy.

This is Tussy Ridge. There was "no breeze.... Hot.... Very technical."

This is Jim crossing the finish line.

Sue Hayward and Amanda Carey getting ready to host the after party.  Two beverages of choice here.

There was a beer relay this afternoon after the race.  Teams had to ride around a pond.  The first heat was not difficult enough so they put in an obstacle.

 That made it harder!

Congratulations to Drew and Jim for completing this difficult 7-day stage race!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lucy & Drew, for keeping us up to date on all the doin's
