Thursday, April 24, 2014

Happy Christmas

Going with the holiday theme here, I'm going to post a few pictures from Christmastime, even though it is seriously spring now.

It's my blog, I can do that.

The Christmas season started out kind of rough with a leaky washing machine that we had to run out on the porch for a day.

Red neck laundry room.
 There was enough snow to make the LDS Temple light display one of the best I have seen.  And Drew even got to see them as it was his birthday so I took him to dinner downtown.

The figures are white but they look even cooler surrounded by a blanket of snow.

Had some fun at the friend Christmas party with white elephant gifts.

Max had some fun with Christmas gift wrapping.

 And then it was time for a trip to frigid ND.

The rampers at the airport have a very tough job!

But it was only cold the day I arrived and then it warmed up enough that I could go outside in a regular coat and take this pictures around the farm.

But the main point of visiting relatives really is this:

Sister lazing on the couch.

Doing puzzles.

Visiting and relaxing.

Having a glass of wine while visiting and relaxing.

Talking to my other sister who was in Australia.
Aunt and mom

Sisters and mom

For Christmas dinner we went to sister Jane's

She has cute grandkids!

And cute neices
And costumed neices

and cold cows

Family times
Bro and niece. Love.

 After gaining at least 4 pounds due to fudge, I flew directly to Las Vegas to meet Drew and friends for some exercise!

 Now that Christmas is over, we can start spring!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see the farm & your family.... And the pics of Temple Square are gorgeous... but not as pretty as that photo of the farm with the road & the tree :)
